Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Four Months!

Happy Birthday to me! I am four months old today!
Out for a stroll with mom & dad.

My motivation, that cute baby over there.

All smiles!

I found my feet this week! Now that I have them, I don't like to ever let them go!

It is getting cold out. This is me ready for a walk, and all snuggled up!
Here we go!

Rosha & Caleb's beautiful & super fun wedding in Hastings-On-Hudson, NY.
Can you believe it's my 2nd wedding!

Me with Angela at the wedding reception. Check out my eyes. I was up WAY past my bedtime.

My first night in a hotel. Mommy's favorite! We were in Yonkers.

Morning snooze with my daddy!

All dressed up with no where to go.

Rocker chic

I love to try to move!

Just relaxing before my bath.

My jumper, bumper! So fun.

Working hard!!

A close up: no autographs please.

Early morning movin' time

Trying to move around in my crib. "I want to get to Franny the Frog!"

Well, here we are at 4 months. It is hard to believe how fast time has passed in these introductory months to Isla's life. So much has happened since we last wrote. Isla went to her second wedding. This time we travelled a bit for it. We attended Rosha & Caleb's wedding in Hastings-On-Hudson, NY on one of the first weekends in October. It was a beautiful fall wedding. It reminded Taylor & I of Ashley & Tom's wedding last fall (2008) in North Carolina. It is amazing to think back to that weekend when we were first anticipating pregnancy, and Isla was just a dream. Now she is a 4 month old DREAM. A smiling, pooping, eating, laughing, little spunk of a baby girl, full of personality and determination. Isla had a great time at the wedding, to say the least. She got lots of attention and stayed up super late with the big kids. She even got to stay in her first hotel. And while she was initially super excited late night/post-wedding in the hotel room, once she realized how far past her bedtime she had ventured, she had a momentary panic attack before falling blissfully/desperately asleep in her daddy's arms.

What else... Paul came for a visit this month and he & Isla & dad took a drive to see the beginning of the fall foliage. Isla has had SO much daddy bonding time this month, as mom has been studying for her board exams. Isla is definitely a daddy's girl. She loves their bonding time, whether it involves dancing to loud music, stroller walks in the rain, daddy playing the guitar, or practicing sitting up, she loves every minute.
Nico, the amazing puppy, celebrated her 2nd birthday. And speaking of dogs, this month Isla started noticing Nico & Xela. She laughs at them and stares with curiosity & wonderment. It is so fun to watch. Isla has been loving a new toy, her jumper, bumper. She spends a bit of time each day jumping up & down and laughing at herself. Isla also discovered her feet this month & she loves holding on to her toes or feet whenever she gets an opportunity. She grabs toys and clothes and hair, all the time now as well. She knows what she wants & she goes for it. Sounds like some other people I know...

1 comment:

  1. Adorable. We have 3 of the outfits she was photographed in, including the Bear suit.

    Miss y'all!!
