Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Snow Storm 2011

Great friends.
Nico was swimming in the snow, until Taylor shoveled her a path.
Wow!! They are saying at least 18 inches fell, maybe 20!
Snow day movie treat.
Our street

Saturday, January 8, 2011

walking in a winter wonderland

These snow boots were made for walking! Or should we say running, in the case of Isla, who was running at blurring speeds down the snow covered sidewalks last night. Taylor was planning on taking a quick walk to the local market for some provisions, beer and Farmer's Cow whole milk (for The Bean). When Isla realized this was happening without her she began crying with such sadness to go "outside!" So we took a family walk in the beautiful plump snowflakes. This child is definitely from Connecticut. She was eating it all up. Literally sprinting down the street. "Wall-king!" She screeches with enthusiasm as she stomps through the snow. Very fun. A winter's wonderland indeed. It was awesome out last night. Today will be prime for Isla's new (secondhand) snow suit! And, her new word as of this week, "PLAY!"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

so, only a few days later

I have officially decided that a post a day is not up my alley. Life with Isla is just too exciting for me to have time for that...
Isla is currently entertaining my life by spending this evening's bedtime ritual avoiding reading and trying to jump instead. She is on it! She succeeded several times. She is practicing jumping! She seriously tried to jump at least 30 times a little bit ago. On some tries only one foot left the floor, and on others both feet left the floor but she landed on her butt. And, there were a few when she got it. She was SO proud. She is incredibly enthusiastic, so there were many a, "Yay!"

Monday, January 3, 2011

3, is a magic number

Art Easel and snow pants. Winter fun.

Isla is VERY interested in identifying "big" things right now. She says "big" in a very dramatic, deep voice, stretching the word out much longer than your average big. She calls Uncle Wade's dog Sophie, "Biiiiiiiiii-gh." In comparison to Nico, of course.
In the bath tonight she identified her "biiiiiiii-gh" toe. Just pointed to it and said dramatically, well you know...

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Day 2, 2011.

This photo is one of my favorites from our Christmas time in Little Rock.

I don't know if you know this yet, but my daughter is hilarious. She spent at least an hour and a half of today in song. She sings her own songs throughout the day. Sometimes she sings and dances at the same time. It is impressive, entertaining and somehow seemingly with talent.

Today was all about snow, black eyed peas (Isla liked them today), slushy playgrounds, and yes more Sound of Music singing. OH, best of all the new art easel. It is awesome! Pictures soon.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

365 Days with Isla

Here goes, I am truly going to try to be better about blogging this new year. Happy 2011. Time with Isla is life altering. She is becoming such a cool little kid. Yes, it has been that long since I blogged. She is now a true toddler, one and a half and full of boundless energy (as always). My goal is to try to write something about her everyday, we shall see how this goes... Why? For SO many reasons... to assist me in never forgetting the little details of our life, to document memories for her to look back on when she is older, and of course, to give our far away family and friends some semblance of insight into her daily developmental changes, and they truly are daily. Our minds are blown by little Isla moments all day long, with new words ("raah- coon") and singing sweet songs she has made up all on her own. She has a such a sweet little voice.
Isla is completely absorbed by music. This being the case, we introduced her to a few songs from The Sound of Music while in Little Rock, by accident really. Today she watched about 30 minutes or so of the movie, thanks to Uncle Wade, and she was mesmerized by the singing. It is touching really. I think she just gets music somehow.
Today, she was picking shells on the beach, trying to skip and jump and running with me and Uncle Wade, with airplane arms wide. And singing, she is always singing.