Friday, July 31, 2009

6 wks: Mother's Little Helper & other stories

Bernadette & Todd's Going Away Party: 7.30.09...
Mom & Me

Hanging out in my Bjorn!

Sleeping through the party (the entire party!!)

My family!

Late night: the little party animal!

and earlier that week...
I LOVE my hands!

Present from Dad to Mom: Mother's Little Helper #1 (the bouncy seat)

Present from the Kimballs to Mom & Dad: Mother's Little Helper #2 (the play mat)

Annelle is back from Mexico. Yay!

Am I cute or what??

In my crib: I love the colors & the wild design!

All snuggled up!


Enjoying some looking around time

She loves looking at light

Hanging out on my "boppy" pillow: a favorite past time

A visit from Eden!

Yes, more time on my boppy. I just love it there!

In Isla's 6th week, the most exciting thing that has happened, is that she has truly begun to interact with her mom & dad. It is amazing. She coos in response as we talk to her. You can literally see her thinking as she moves her mouth & tongue to make this heart tugging variety of noises, each sweetly unique to this world. She also smiles & laughs at us now (surely she will be doing this laughing at us, for many years to come). It is incredible to really feel like there is an exchange between us. She particularly loves interacting when she is on the changing table. She seems to make eye contact with Taylor & I, and smiles (& coos!) when we talk to her.

After our family bath time ritual, dad started giving Ms. Bean a massage to help introduce the night & relax her into sleep. The first time he did this, this week, she literally seemed to be experiencing true joy for the first time. She went crazy with happiness and was "talking" and smiling up a storm, laughing and looking back and forth between the two of us, seemingly to share this undoubtedly pleasing activity, perhaps in amazement of the mere existence of the massage. It was laugh-out-loud, amazing to watch.
Isla experienced her first ride in the Baby Bjorn carrier this week, with a trip with Annelle to LuLu's & then to Nica's with Bern. She also partied into the night last night at Bern & Todd's going away party, if you call sleeping soundly in the Bjorn on mommy's chest (ALL evening), partying.
And, let us not forget the namesake of this blog entry: the modern day Mother's Little Helper- the bouncy seat & play mat. These are two new options for mom to put little Isla Bean down a moment (or two) for an infancy-related- every experience is an absolutely new, educational & entertaining experience. And, a little break for mom... Thanks Kimballs & dad!
Mom's been singing more & more to Isla, especially with the fun responses she now shares. Currently Bob Dylan is a favorite to sing. Mom just needs a harmonica.
What a week!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Friday, July 24, 2009

5 weeks!

Sweetness: this morning with dad

She loves those hands over her face.

a little photo shoot of Isla, wide-eyed...


Meeting Kate!!

The stroller walk. Note: check out Isla practically falling out of the straps. We tried to keep her swaddled while strapped in... oh well.

Sorry for all the sleeping photos. It is just so cute!


a little mad people!

Isla is 5 weeks old tomorrow. In some ways this is very hard to believe & in others, Taylor & I cannot imagine that we were ever without her. Life has been slow and nice this week. We had some great visits from Paul, over the weekend, and from Kate, earlier this week. Isla loves meeting her extended family. We even got to see Kate McKenna here in the States this summer from her home in Sofia, Bulgaria! I have been gradually getting accustomed to life home with Isla. I am loving every minute of this amazing time I get to share with her. We spend time dancing together around the house, it calms her. The faster the dance, the more calming. This is apparently my post-pregnancy exercise.

Isla is definitely the queen of sleeping on her side, like her mom & dad. She loves to sleep on her boppy pillow (on her side). It is pretty much her favorite way to sleep in fact. She loves laying on her changing table too. She could lay there for hours looking all around her, especially at the flag banner hanging across her room. It mesmerizes her. She is a super snuggler, which we so love.

We attempted our first walk around the neighborhood in the stroller this week. I think this is the first time Taylor & I have felt overwhelmed by a non-baby-crying matter. After getting the diaper bag, getting Isla in the stroller, leashing the dogs, getting bags to pick up doggie-do, and sunglasses on our heads, I personally felt as if we were suddenly the Brady Bunch trying to leave the house. The stroller, after weeks of baby-in-the-sling-ease, felt significantly more complicated all of a sudden. But, we persisted and after a few moments of adjusting to our markedly bigger family, bigger due to the new wheels on the sidewalk, we persevered. We put her in the stroller when she was snoozing, and after a pleasant walk- she woke up when we stopped briefly to see Hil & Fabian (she loves movement that girl!), and it was a bit shocking I guess, because she was "f-in' P.O.'d" when she discovered herself there (in the stroller). We will try this again soon...

Sunday, July 19, 2009

One Month Old: a few more

7.18.09: Paul came up from NYC to meet me today!

Some nights we are oh, so tired

Friday, July 17, 2009

One Month Old!

Wow! I am one month old in a few days- so hard to believe. I am growing so much and changing ever so slightly. I am making a lot more cooing type baby noises, which mom & dad love. The Dansby's (my grandparents!!) left earlier this week, and we miss them. It was so nice having them here for a visit and helping mom & dad around the house & with me. We are enjoying many visits from friends, and sadly had to say goodbye to our friends Chris & Lily this week. They are moving away, & off to get married!! Mommy is getting used to taking care of me throughout the day. She read me The Little Prince this week, and I LOVE it! Daddy is loving special time with me- he is a master diaper changer. One of these days mom & dad will finish unpacking, hopefully. I think I stay awake a little more during the day now. I spend lots of this time looking all around, with very wide eyes. I still love to dance. Mom & dad dance me to sleep or to happy relaxation, many times a day & often to fun music. I experienced my first thunderstorm last night and a month ago today is when mommy started having contractions. I miss all my grandparents now that they are away. I think about them all the time!
Chatting on her cell phone in her sleep again. That hand- she just loves it!

Enjoying the Dansby's visit

Lovin' on Surada.

Yay Todd!! 7.11.09

Hugs from Bernadette!

Todd & Isla


Looking in Daddy's eyes

A walk around the neighborhood.

Special time with Grandma Surada

Grandpa serenading Isla & Surada. Singing the song he made up for Isla! She misses them so much!!

Nap time.

Such amazing expressions this baby makes! They keep her parents entertained all day.

Crashed out

Sleep smiles! So fun!

Lily & Chris's going away party. Mommy was SO tired & sad to see them go.

The official send-off: So sad. Saying goodbye to Lily & Chris at Nica's, 7.16.09

Sleeping beauty!

Tummy time on the blanket Uncle Wade made for his new brother or sister to be, in 1975. His brother Taylor (daddy!) was brought home from the hospital in it! Now it is for Isla Bean! 7.16.09