Monday, February 8, 2010

Seven & a half Months!

Happy, happy Isla Bean!

Sitting tall

Sweet poses for the camera

Daddy kisses!

Having fun in mom & dad's bed

Checking out the snow!

Exploring my bedroom!
Big smiles!

Hey! I am climbing up to see you!

Talking & eating

Eating big girl food

Jamie watches me every Thursday, so I get to play with Kaelyn LOTS!

With my super great friends, Jamie & Baby Kaelyn

Hanging in Isla's gated community

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

If you're travelin' in the north country fair: Vermont, Winter 2010

Visiting Jon & Heather! Vergennes, VT

On the road.

"Where the winds hit heavy on the borderline..."

Yes it was zero and negative three degrees when we were in VT.

Watch me go ALL over the place, Heather!!

Hanging with the mommy-to-be!

Leisurely morning relaxation

Is that a banjo AND a stand up bass?
College bluegrass band live at a Burlington cafe.

Isla LOVES live music

All smiles.

Laid back enjoyment of the music...

...and then, too many camera disturbances.

Blissful baby waiting.

Frog watching. The Burlington Aquarium.

Turtle amazement!

Seriously! This is almost my name!!-Burlington, VT

Hey, what's with the paparazzi? I am trying to eat!

Crawling ALL over "Nom-ny"

Great conversation for several days straight.

Hanging in the Kidde's cozy home.

I don't want to say goodbye!

Sleeping on the drive home.

We set out with Isla this past weekend on her longest road trip adventure yet. We drove the distance to Vergennes, VT to visit parents-to-be, Heather & Jon. Isla was a trooper for the long road trip/car seat confinement, until the last hour on the way there. Who can blame her the 45 minutes of distress, oh so painful to her mom & dad's ears... We arrived to some frigid temperatures of zero & negative 3. Needless to say, the days & evenings were mostly spent cuddled up in their cozy, spacious home drinking coffee, eating delicious food and having lovely conversation. There was much Isla-watching as well. Isla loves being around people and is thrilled, literally, with new terrain to explore. She is seriously showing her excitement these days with jumping-motions, bending her knees, & clapping, along with her HUGE smiles and infectious laughter. We ventured to Burlington one afternoon and enjoyed impromptu bluegrass via a college band at a cafe. Isla was in awe of the live music, as she always is, and was very entertained. We relaxed and enjoyed. Then we explored the Aquarium, Isla's first! It was a small one, with an awesome frog & turtle exhibition. She is SO interested in everything, and takes EVERYTHING in around her. The ride back from VT was much more peaceful. Isla was a rockstar in the backseat. It was very hard to leave their cozy place and our friends during this special time in their lives, and ours.
P.S. On the morning we left for Vermont, Isla decided to call her Mom by name. Saying, "Nom-ny" is now her second favorite word. I am even more in love!