Thursday, December 17, 2009

Eat, Drink & Be Merry!

My Daddy!!

Trying a big girl cup. I sort of get it?...

LOVE to chew. And still LOVE to jump, of course.

I am eating rice cereal now!! Fun & Messy...

Relaxing with the doggies

Now that I love to move all over the place, things get more complicated!!

Playing with my great friend Kaelyn!

Hanging with her is SO fun!

Ready for the cold!

Morning fun: Taking the dogs out. It is getting cold here!!

Yes, I moved over here right next to Nico all by myself, as soon as my mommy wasn't looking.
I am fast!

Eating like a big kid!

Holiday Party fun with Jamie & Kaelyn!

Visit from Skip!!

I am about to be 6 months old! I had a pediatrician visit today, and I weighed 16 pounds & 11 ounces. I am getting big, and I have been having SO much fun this month. I have had lots of fun with my great friend Kaelyn, and her mom Jamie. We hang out usually every week, going for walks, our moms get coffee, and sometimes we play. I even went to a holiday party at her house yesterday. This week we went to Toddler Tunes, which is when we go to this building and this man plays the guitar and sings fun songs. There were tons of other kids there singing along. I was wide eyed and SO excited. By the end of it I actually conked out on my mom's shoulder. The good news is, that I think we are going to go every week!

This month one of the best things is that I have started eating rice cereal. It is SO fun. I sit in my high chair and dad or mom feeds me. I eat from a spoon! I make such a mess. It is great fun. I also have tried sipping from a big girl cup, but haven't been particularly successful just yet. But, it is practically like a toy! I ALSO said a word TODAY! I woke up this morning and mom took me into her bed. I immediately rolled over to see my daddy (as usual) and today I said, "Da Da." It was great. I think my mom & dad first did a double take, and after I said it several more times, they may have even gotten teary. I even whispered it a few times, kind of like I was practicing. But I have found an entirely new voice today. This voice that can say "Da Da." I was showing off a bit tonight for Josh & Skip. Skip is here visiting from New Orleans! I have heard so much about him & his family. It is SO fun to meet. I can totally tell he is a Dad.
What a month people, what a month!
PS. It is totally winter now.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Giving Thanks 2009


Turkey making magic

What will it be Isla? Will you be a veggie lover like your mom??

Or... a bit more of a meat lover like your Dad??

Food time!

Isla's first Thanksgiving!!

Ahh, the effort was worth it. Without a doubt.

Taylor's terrific turkey, as expressed by Ben

Hanging with Uncle Wade.

Post hedonistic extravaganza, with thanks.


Family Photo: Oh, so sleepy...

We had SO much to give thanks for this Thanksgiving, she's in size 3 of diapers, likes to pretend cough to get your attention, and talks to herself in a sweetly soft voice as she is about to fall asleep. It was so, so nice to have all the Dansby Brothers reunited and for Isla to have two of her uncles right here to hang out with. We had other visitors as well, Alexis came up from NC and Carl, Paul and Ben came up from NYC. Everyone had their moments helping with Isla while we cooked and prepared. Uncle Wade entertained Isla with song, and Uncle Will held her close. The food was amazing, and there were many hours of lovely relaxation, conversation and laughter. Isla was a holiday hit. The days were lazy, aside from some serious cooking and eating. Mornings were slow with lots of coffee. The french press(es) had their work cut out for them. It was filled with lots of lovely moments and we are thankful for the memories that will last forever. I am already nostalgic.