Monday, September 28, 2009

Isla Bean is moving all around...

This is how we (try to) do it: studying hemoglobinopathies & ABC's


contemplating the roll and dreaming about the crawl


This has been a week of movement. We have realized that we have a very willful daughter. Isla started rolling this week. On Thursday she rolled from her stomach to her back (see video) & then determined that this was not sufficient, on Friday she decided to go ahead and roll from her back to her stomach. It was amazing to see this process of brain & body colliding into a first movement. The initial rolls from stomach to back almost appeared as if by mistake. They look kind of like a fall over, as opposed to a concerted effort to roll. But, the initial roll from back to stomach required some work and she expressed this with little grunts of effort. Affter a few tries, she does this movement now with ease. When she is on her belly, post-roll, she gets a little frustrated after a few minutes because in this position she starts "swimming." She moves her legs and arms attempting to move forward. I foresee crawling on the horizon. Since these new developments, Isla appears to always want to be rolling. This, as you might imagine, is a bit tricky. What Isla wants, she attempts. For example, she wants to roll while nursing, and while on the changing table and while in the bouncy seat. Gone are the days of blissful infant, non-motion simplicity... No, we love this new development. She is a cutie, without a doubt.

Other news this week:
She is now 14 weeks old, and starting to take a nap in the morning and one in the afternoon. This is helpful for mom's studying, although the length of napping is highly variable at this time. Late afternoon walks are becoming our most favorite ritual, after bath time of course.
We went for many very long stroller walks around town, one with Isla's friend Kaelyn and one with Annelle. This weekend Isla had a "first date." A couple we met in childbirth ed class came over with their son. Isla hung out for several hours with the very handsome Gabriel, an older man by 4 days. Elise also came for a visit, the amazing labor whisperer, who was actually present at the births of both Gabriel and Isla. That's all to report this week. With love.

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